Monday 19 January 2015

1st ride of the year

The first ride of the year - Cambridgeshire cross country MTB - lots of mud, cold, and fog, but at least I get some practice with my bike handling skills!

My fitness levels are bad following christmas and the winter season, and I need to step up my training to make the ride comfortable come March... I think I rode 11 miles this day!

Still, with the return of commuting 16 miles to and from work every day I'm sure fitness levels will improve!

Sunday 18 January 2015

Hi, this blog is following Ed Farndale as he trains and prepares for the Broadgate Estates Cycle to Mipim, raising money for Coram UK. With thanks to Hopkins Architects for providing support to me.

Please sponsor me at:

The ride is  1500 km on 5th -10th March 2015 starting from London and finishing in Cannes. The ride is well represented throughout all sectors within the construction industry and has lots of industry media coverage.